50 Ways to Eat from Your Pantry When You Have No Money for Groceries

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Author of Be Ready for Anything and Bloom Where You’re Planted online course

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When things go wrong and we have more month than money, it can be difficult to keep the family fed, the bills paid, and a roof over your heads. However, if you have built a well-stocked prepper’s pantry, you have one less thing to worry about when you have no money for groceries.

Some Practical Reasons Why You Might Need a Food Supply

The best investments in these questionable times are those which are tangible. Having a food supply, purchased at a good price during good times, can be invaluable if things become more difficult. And by “more difficult” I’m not necessarily talking about a massive, national economic collapse or an epic natural disaster.

Anyone can have a difficult week (or month or year). Maybe an unexpected expense arose, like a trip to the emergency room or a car repair. Perhaps a job was lost or hours were cut at work. It’s possible that something happened that made the primary breadwinner for the family unable to work for a time. Whatever the case, having some supplies put back can really help you through a rough spot. While some folks have room in their budgets for these shortfalls or added expenses, a growing number of Americans are one paycheck away from disaster.

The key is this: when times are good, you should focus on loading up your pantry for when times are not so good. It’s not a new idea. It’s how our ancestors did it because they never knew when a fluke cold snap would kill their crops, when a predator might get the animal they were depending on for food or when a drought would occur.

What You Should Have in Your Pantry

Much has been written about the specific items to stock in your pantry, so this is just a general list.

(If you’re new to prepping and stockpiling you can learn more about building a pantry in this book or in this article.)

The best case scenario is to store what you already eat. If you generally eat meals with a lot of meat and little plant protein, you’re going to feel deprived if you suddenly switch from steak to beans. If you tend to eat lots of protein and vegetables, you’re not going to feel your best if you suddenly switch to a diet loaded with starches and high in carbohydrates.

One really good way to see what you’re already eating is to write down everything your family consumes for a couple of weeks. You can probably remember most of what you had the past week to give yourself a guideline.

Now, while everything is normal, take a long hard look at your consumption. Are these foods that you can stock up on or do you focus on things that require a couple of trips to the store per week for freshness? If the latter is the case, you might want to make some simple adjustments so that it will be easier to maintain your diet in difficult times.

How to Eat from the Pantry When There’s No Money for Groceries

When people hear the question, “How long could you survive on the food you have on hand?” they tend to think of the math. “I have 472 servings of grain divided by 4 people and…”


You need to think in terms of meals. Those who think in individual components like this are the ones who will end up near the end of the pantry stretch eating canned peaches, stale saltines, and pureed pumpkin for dinner. Not the most enticing combo, right?

One really great way to stock up and have familiar food on hand is to think about 7 meals that your family enjoys. Then, purchase for your pantry the ingredients for 4 of each of those meals. Here are a few quick tips.

  • Look for non-perishable options, like freeze-dried mushrooms and bell peppers for your spaghetti sauce.
  • Repackage meat carefully for your freezer in meal-sized servings.
  • Learn how to make baked goods from scratch and stock up on the ingredients you need for them.
  • Keep fruit and veggies on hand in frozen, dehydrated, and canned form.
  • Have some quick meals on hand so that you don’t end up breaking the budget on takeout food on a super busy day. (I can entire meals for this very reason. Click here for some of my recipes, or check out my book, The Prepper’s Canning Guide.)
  • Use emergency food to extend a small amount of leftovers to feed the whole family.

Pantry Friendly Adaptations

Lots of folks say things like “I only buy fresh XXX at the store – everything else came from the pantry.” That’s awesome – truly – but if you were in a situation in which you couldn’t buy fresh XXX, you probably wouldn’t want to go without it right? Here are some things to stockpile so that you can make adaptations to fresh XXX

  • Milk: Powdered milk.
  • Bread: Stock up on the ingredients to make it yourself. Store-bought bread is usually loaded with additives so learning to bake your own is a worthy skill regardless of whether you intend to survive from your pantry. It couldn’t be easier – check out this 5-minute recipe for artisan bread.
  • Fresh fruit: Frozen fruit is pretty yummy. In fact, my (slightly odd) kids enjoy gnawing on it right out of the freezer. You can also use it in smoothies, thaw and top yogurt or pancakes with it, or bake with it. We are huge applesauce fans, so I can a few dozen jars of this each fall. I also can peach and pear slices in honey for a sweet treat, and loads of homemade jam which can be used in a multitude of ways that do not include toast.
  • Salad: If you have a sunny windowsill you can grow salad greens all year long to sate your craving for fresh greens. There are lots of delicious microgreen kits on the market, and even some kits that are soil-free. Other alternatives are home-canned coleslaw or lightly cooked veggie salads made from freezer vegetables.
  • Vegetables: You really don’t have to have fresh asparagus in February, contrary to what the grocery stores portray. While I do can some vegetables, canned veggies are really NOT my favorite. I prefer freshly cooked al dente. The closest I can get to that with my food storage is frozen veggies, lightly steamed. I also keep dehydrated veggies on hand for cooking with: mushrooms, bell pepper, onion, etc.  If you have a root cellar, lots of good veggies can be stored there.

Sample Menus from Our Food Storage Pantry

After a big move, lots of fencing, shelters for animals, etc., etc, etc., I’m deliberately sticking to a month of food from the pantry in order to catch up. A normal grocery bill can be anywhere between 75-200 per week around here, depending on what’s on sale, whether I’m stocking up on a bargain, or if it’s garden season. Here are some of the meals I’m creating from my pantry and freezer.


We have an unlimited supply of eggs with 10 hens laying enthusiastically, so most breakfasts center around them.

  • Omelettes with leftover veggies from the night before and a bit of cheese sauce to make our cheese go further
  • Eggs with sausage or bacon (we recently bought half a hog, so we have plenty of that)
  • Homemade pancakes topped with fruit syrup made from home-canned jam
  • Homemade granola or granola cookies
  • Eggs and roasted veggies (One of our weird favorite breakfasts)
  • Oatmeal topped with warmed jam
  • Homemade bread (or cornbread) and jam
  • Smoothies


In our house, lunch is often leftovers from the night before. I usually try to cook enough for this very purpose.  We do have some other standbys, though.

  • Homemade chicken strips from the freezer with oven fries
  • Beef patty with oven-baked carrot “fries”
  • Roasted veggies topped with parmesan cheese
  • Soup (all kinds: chicken, beef and vegetable, creamy cauliflower)
  • Refried beans and rice topped with home-canned salsa
  • Top a frozen gluten-free pizza crust with home-canned pizza sauce, toppings that are leftovers, and cheese from the freezer
  • Yogurt topped with fruit from the freezer and homemade granola


The crock pot gets a whole lot of use in my house. I love the fact that the meal is almost completely hands off while I’m busy doing other things. Of course, not all of our recipes are crock pot ones! Here are some of the dinners we have had over the past couple of weeks.

  • Roast beef and vegetables (crock pot)
  • Carnitas (pork roast slow cooked with green tomato salsa, lime juice, and cilantro)
  • Spaghetti and meatballs
  • Stir fries from the freezer
  • Pork chops and roasted vegetables sprinkled with parmesan
  • Beef BBQ (slow cooker) and home-canned sweet and sour cole slaw
  • Roasted chicken and vegetables
  • Baked beans with gluten-free mac and cheese
  • Beef and vegetable stew
  • Homemade chili (crock pot)
  • Split pea soup made with home canned ham broth
  • Roast duck (raised here) with potatoes, onions, and carrots
  • Potato soup (it’s a family favorite and super-thrifty!)
  • And of course, no list of frugal meals would be complete without breakfast for dinner

Looking for more inspiration for pantry-based recipes? Check out The Prepper’s Cookbook by Tess Pennington and my PDF guide, The Stockpile Cafe.

What Are Your Favorite Pantry Meals?

Now, this list is just a few ideas from my own kitchen. How can you adapt your own family favorites to be pantry-friendly? Do you have some pantry standbys for rough times? How would you fare if there was no money for extra groceries for a month or longer? Share your ideas and inspiration in the comments below.

Picture of Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived, and 3) PreppersDailyNews.com, an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. She is widely republished across alternative media and  Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

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  • Hi Daisy, From the pantry is how we eat. Most of our fruit & veg are grown here & we mostly buy local meat by the half..beef & pork. Wheat is from local farmers. If our pension cheque was cut off or the power was down for an extended time we likely wouldn’t suffer for quite awhile. Ofcourse if the power went down I’d sure have to start canning fast. I store powdered & canned milk so if I’m out of fresh no problem. Of course we buy groceries also. Can’t grow bananas or pineapple on the Canadian Prairies so I stock canned pineapple when on sale & buy fresh bananas but if I couldn’t we have lots of frozen raspberries & canned apple sauce & sour cherries etc. I just do not know about going to the store for a box of frozen what ever for supper tonight. Even when I was working 12 & 14 hrs/day I would make 2or 3 lg items on Sat. & package them for meals for the week.

    Our favouite breakfast is rolled oats & fruit (canned, frozen, dried, fresh) We also like omelet with veg added& maybe some bacon if we have. Lunch is various homemade soups & or sandwiches, & supper is meat, potatoes, veg. & fruit.

  • This must be for rich people to learn because poor people already know how to survive on what they have because there is no money for any more

    • Hi John! This is for folks who may not have it all figured out yet. Anyone, rich or poor, can fall on hard times, so hopefully this post will be helpful. 🙂

    • Sounds as if you are subsisting on sour grapes John. I too have been poor, was sitting here trying to remember a way that we used to cook spaghetti in a pan and then add a sauce – seems like it was uncooked when we put it in.

      At any rate, many people have lived through hard times and you get creative at those times. Rather than make a comment about how poor you are all the time, why not use the “gift” that you have and share some ideas. I for one am grateful for having been in trying times which taught me many lessons of value to take forward as I worked hard to improve my circumstances. As we know, life turns on a dime – and apparently there is a shortage of dimes too (or at least that’s what “they” say).

  • last week we had a veggie(dried or canned) night with cornbread. Leftovers the next night. The following day I put a pork roast in the crock pot until it crumbled. Drain and save the broth. Pull the meat apart and add BBQ sauce.. instant pulled pork. I made yeast rolls to go with that. Had some leftover dough for cinnamon rolls the next morning. I put the leftover broth and veggies in the crock pot for a tomato-less soup. None of this was freshly store bought, but I did use the last packet of yeast.
    I also picked 2 gallons of dewberries and froze them to make jelly later. Hint: when you make your jelly, use less surejel or more fruit to make the pancake syrup.
    Be sure to rotate everything so nothing gets freezer burned or too old to eat. I’m gearing up for veggie canning season. The local u-pick opens the end of the month. Down here we always worry about losing power during a hurricane, so the pantry is a necessity.

    • Another appliance that you can find cheap is a breadmaker at a thrift store. Found a $300 model for $8.00. You can use it to make bread or dough. Also for making jelly, jam, or a cake. If you can head to a warehouse store, you can get 25 Lbs of flour and a giant block of yeast for less than $10. You can freeze both of them, if you have a freezer.

  • As you are talking about when people don’t have money to buy food, why don’t they just put the money they would spend stocking their pantries in the bank and then, when they run into money problems, it’s there to buy the groceries they need?

    • With all of the flooding this past fall and winter, a lot of crop land was ruined. I read about a hog farm where the owners saved only 13 hogs out of 700. The otherd drowned. Just this week, the Mississippi river is flooding farms and towns in the heartland. The groceries you buy today are going to be a LOT cheaper than they will be later on. Any money you put in the bank will have less buying power this next year than it does today. Food is a better investment of your money.

    • There are many reasons to build an emergency pantry. Economics is just one of them. The way I figure it, is that if you have a little extra money, but some extra food. Then it is there if you need it in case of illness in the family, shortages, a pandemic, or job loss. You at least can eat while you are sorting everything else out

  • If you are using it to cook with, use coffee creamer for the milk. One of the warehouse stores has a giant container for about $6.00. Been using this instead of milk for a long time.

  • Daisy, This is how I have been doing it for the last 16 years, after my husband quit his job & started his own business. We are raising 5 children. I spend less than $250.00 a month on groceries. No food stamps. I even got a job about 9 years ago, but our 2 incomes are still less than most peoples 1 income.

  • Daisy, here are a couple very filling recipes. All ingredients from the pantry and garden (except the ground meat). Usually plenty of leftovers.

    Hobo Stew

    There are a few variations of this recipe. Here’s mine. A lot of food value in this recipe. Ready in about 40 minutes.

    1 lb ground meat (turkey or beef)
    1 large onion (diced)
    1 large bell pepper
    1-10 oz can Rotel
    1-4 oz can diced green chiles
    1 can Bush beans (or equal)
    1 can black beans
    2 or 3 cloves garlic (diced)
    1/4 cup brown sugar

    Brown meat, onions, garlic, bell pepper and diced chiles for 10 minutes, or so..

    Add Rotel and simmer for 10 minutes.

    Add beans and brown sugar. Simmer for 20 minutes. Add some corn starch (1 tbsp in cold water) if you like it thicker.

    Add salt, pepper and hot sauce to suit.

    This will make 6 to 8 servings and it’s better the next day.

    Chile Cheese Cornbread

    1 cup of yellow cornmeal
    1 cup of white or whole wheat flour
    1 1/2 tablespoon baking powder
    1 teaspoon salt
    1/3 cup sugar

    Combine ingredients and mix well


    1 cup of milk
    2 tablespoons molasses
    1 cup grated cheese
    1/4 cup diced onions
    4 oz diced green chiles, (hot or mild)
    2 eggs

    Mix well and add to dry ingredients. Mix well again.

    Pour into a greased 9” pan and bake at 400 degrees for 30 minutes.

  • A crustless quiche in the crockpot. Cooks on high for about 2 hours. Use any combo of cheese and veggies.
    6 eggs
    I Cup of milk
    1 Cup of 1/2 & 1/2
    1 Tbl flour
    2 Tbl basil or tarragon
    1/4 tsp nutmeg
    3 Cups of chopped veggies
    I Cup of Parmesan (put in top)
    1 Cup of favorite cheese

    Generously butter the pot.
    Mix eggs, flour, spices, and milk/cream together. Then add all other ingredients. The Parmesan on top makes it slightly crunchy.

  • You Need More Than Food to Survive

    In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Sign up for your FREE report and get prepared.

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